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As I mentioned in the video, a paternity petition allows you to establish both paternity rights and obligations related to raising and supporting your child. Paternity testing determines who the father is, and is the first step towards working out child support and a parenting plan.
But it’s not just the parents who benefit from having a paternity test done; children are also granted a number of important rights by officially determining who their father is.
What kinds of rights? Most of these rights aren’t things that you’re going to be thinking of if you’re worried about giving birth or dealing with a newborn because they’re not immediate. But you shouldn’t discount them because many will improve your child’s quality of life or matter more as they get older.
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What Paternity Rights Are Children Granted?
Just a few of the important rights that children get for knowing who their father is include:
Knowledge of family medical history. This may not seem like a big deal but if your child ever develops a condition or needs fast medical attention, knowing the medical history from both sides of the family can be a lifesaver. Without proof of paternity, this can be tough to get.
Insurance. One of the most important paternity rights, especially in this day and age—if the father has health insurance, the child can be added on once paternity is determined. The child may also have access to life insurance benefits.
Other benefits. Is the father wealthy? In the military? Paying in to Social Security? Until you officially prove paternity, the child has no rights to any kind of inheritance, money related to military or veteran’s benefits, or Social Security dependent or survivor benefits.
Learning who their father is. There are no specific, tangible paternity rights for the child tied to this one, but it’s only natural for a child to wonder who his or her father is as they grow up. By making the father’s relationship legal from the beginning, a child gains a sense of identity and who they are. Establishing paternity gives a child the opportunity to know both parents, and ensures the father’s rights to a relationship with his child are observed as well.
If you want to learn more, call an Orlando family law lawyer right now and set up a consultation. Paternity rights aren’t just about benefitting one person but the entire family.
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