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The video above discusses the five biggest mistakes you can make in a divorce case. As an Orlando family law attorney, I have seen people make plenty of other mistakes. These mistakes can affect you for life. Here are five more mistakes that you should avoid:
1. Signing documents without reading them carefully.
A lot of paperwork must be completed in a divorce, and there is just no way around that. But you never want to skim through documents and sign them without fully understanding them. For example, what if your spouse drafts a parenting plan, and you sign it without realizing that you have given them custody of the kids every single weekend? What other rights might you be surrendering? Make sure that you are on board with all arrangements and review them with your Orlando divorce attorney before you sign off.
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2. Not sharing all relevant information about the case with your Orlando family law attorney.
I recently wrote another blog post about how you need to communicate effectively with your family law attorney, but I cannot emphasize enough what a big deal this is. If you are leaving your lawyer in the dark about your current finances, fights that you have had with your spouse, or anything else relevant to the case, then you are hurting your chances of coming to a good settlement. Everything that you discuss with your lawyer is confidential. A good lawyer will not only respect your privacy, but they will understand your concerns without passing judgment on you. Some people do not want to share information that they think will put them in a negative light, but if you do not share important information with your lawyer you could do serious damage to your case. Be sure to hire a lawyer that you trust and be sure to put everything on the table with your lawyer.
3. Not keeping close track of financial records.
In order to come to a fair agreement about how to divide assets and finances, your Orlando divorce attorney and the court will need to see detailed financial records. If you are not keeping close track of your family’s finances but your spouse is, then you are putting yourself at a distinct disadvantage. A good family law attorney will want to see complete financial records including tax returns, bank accounts, pay stubs and more. Work closely with your attorney to make sure that you keep close track of your financial records. Keeping tabs on your finances could result in big financial gains in your case.
4. Getting emotional about assets.
Many arguments over assets are based on emotions and not the property itself. What if you fight tooth and nail to keep the family home but then discover that you cannot afford it after the divorce? Another problem is when people use their lawyers to fight over every marital asset from the toaster to the record collection. It will save considerable attorney’s fees if you can work out these smaller issues with your spouse. A skilled family law attorney will do everything to help you avoid needlessly spending money fighting over marital property, while ensuring that your rights are protected.
5. Settling for unfavorable terms just to be done with the divorce.
A divorce case can be emotionally and physically exhausting, and after a while it is all too easy to settle for unfavorable terms just so you do not have to deal with it anymore. But do not settle for something like an unequal division of time with the kids if you know it is going to make you unhappy down the road. Work with good Orlando divorce attorney to come up with the best possible divorce arrangement for everyone.
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