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The above video mentions five things that everyone should know when facing Florida criminal charges, but that list is just a sample of a few of the most important issues. With years of defending cases, our Orlando defense lawyers have encountered many more issues that an individual facing criminal charges needs to be aware of. Below are some matters that may arise you might not expect.
Situations with Florida Criminal Charges You May Encounter
Police officers are allowed to lie to you. You may have seen TV shows where the police detectives lie to suspects and “trick” them into confessing. Unfortunately that is not just TV drama, and it can happen with Florida criminal charges. It is legal during an interrogation for law enforcement to tell you that they have evidence when they do not, or even that your lie detector test shows “deception” when in reality you passed with flying colors. Unless a police officer shows you proof, chances are they are trying to scare or manipulate you into a confession. Even innocent people have been badgered into doing this. It is highly effective for police to lie during interrogations. If you find yourself being questioned in this manner by the police, call the defense lawyers at TK Law at your first opportunity.
Speak with an experienced Florida attorney at our firm today.
Call 855-Kramer-Now (855-572-6376).
Let your lawyer do their job. It can be tough to sit back when you are facing serious Orlando criminal charges, especially if you feel like your defense lawyer is not defending you in the way that you think is best. Remember that you chose your attorney because you trusted their experience and their skills. For example, your defense attorney at TK Law knows the law, knows the idiosyncrasies of the individual judicial district in which you have been charged, and knows the tendencies of individual judges and prosecutors. Second-guessing your attorney during the case takes valuable prep time away from them and can hurt your chances at winning. Every good lawyer wants to win – trust in that.
Demanding trial because of a bad plea offer can be a mistake. Sometimes in a criminal law case the prosecution will offer a plea deal that is so bad that the defendant is offended by it and demands to go to trial. Before you do this, take a step back and let your lawyer work. It could be that they are negotiating and hammering out a deal and part of that is starting out with what appears to be a bad deal for you. Or, it could be that the evidence they have makes them confident in winning. “Plea bargain vs. trial” is a key decision that is ultimately yours, and a skilled trial attorney knows when an offer is fair and when you can win at trial.
Your Lawyer is there to Protect Your Rights in Orlando Criminal Charges
What it comes down to is that defending a criminal case is something that is as much of an art as it is a science. You not only want someone who is well-educated in the law helping you, but also a person with experience and an understanding of the way things work in your jurisdiction. An experienced local lawyer will know the judges and the District Attorney, and will have a better perception of what you can expect.
Get Help with Legal Issues Now! – Call 855-Kramer-Now (855-572-6376)
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