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The above video reviews some of the ways representation from a good DUI defense attorney can help to reduce or dismiss charges in a drunk driving case. It is wise to also discuss some of the possible consequences of a DUI conviction. Here are four concerns to carefully consider in your decision to seek legal help if you face Orlando DUI charges.
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- Your license can be suspended. A Florida DUI offense is actually two cases, not one.Drivers charged with DUI must deal with both an administrative process (a civil case) before the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to have their driver’s license reinstated, as well as deal with a criminal court proceeding (a criminal case) to determine accountability on the DUI charge.Also, if you meet the requirements of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, you still stand to have your license suspended in your criminal case. In both cases, the laws are complex for a lay person to navigate without a DUI defense lawyer.
- You may serve jail time. Even for a first drunk driving offense, a minimum of 8 hours of jail time may be part of the punishment. A second offense carries a minimum penalty of 10 days in jail if the 2nd DUI conviction occurs within 5 years of the date of a prior DUI conviction. A third offense means a minimum 30 days of jail time if the third DUI is within 10 years of a previous DUI conviction.These are the minimum penalties for jail — even a first-time offense can carry a maximum sentence of 9 months in jail if your blood alcohol content is over 0.15. You should always talk to a DUI attorney who knows what defense strategies are necessary to keep you out of jail and get you back on course in life.
- You may have to pay a hefty fine. If you avoid jail time, you may still have to pay a large fine for drunk driving. A first-time offense where the BAC is less than 0.15 can mean a fine of up to $1,000, whereas if you blew over a 0.15, you could be facing a $2,000 fine. For most people, that is a huge amount of money. Hiring a DUI defense lawyer who argues to have your charge dropped or reduced could actually save you money in the long run.
- You will have a DUI on your criminal record. If you do nothing to contest the drunk driving charge, a DUI conviction will go on your criminal record, which anyone can access online. That conviction will be a mark against anyone who applies for a new job, buys insurance, or goes back to school. However, for a first offense, it may be possible to get the conviction dropped and get the arrest record sealed or expunged.
Florida DUI penalties, and the complexity of each individual DUI case, make hiring an experienced attorney a good idea, and often a wise use of your money. Maximum DUI penalties can be avoided and in some instances the entire case dismissed with the representation of a skilled attorney.
Feel free to contact us for a free consultation. Discuss your case with the DUI defense attorneys at TK Law without pressure or obligation, so you can make an informed decision about what you would like to do from there.
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