Florida DUI/DWI Law

Orlando DUI Lawyers

Orlando Lawyers Defending Charges of Driving Under the Influence

A Florida DUI arrest is a serious criminal offense that bears immediate and long term consequences.

Whether you were stopped for driving while intoxicated at a checkpoint on I-4, or you were involved in an alcohol-related accident causing property damage, you urgently need experienced criminal defense attorneys to defend your case.

A DUI arrest does not always result in a conviction. A strong defense with the help of a skilled defense lawyer may greatly improve your chances of not being convicted in court.

Speak to the Orlando DUI lawyers at TK Law right away. Our attorneys will do everything we can under the law to keep you out of jail and fight for a reduction or dismissal of charges.

Our DUI – DWI Law Firm Can Help You Now:

DWI Lawyer Orlando FloridaFlorida DUI Penalties – Penalties for driving under the influence in Florida can be severe. TK Law will fight to reduce or totally dismiss charges. You only have 10 days in which you can take action against license suspension. Protect your rights and speak with an Orlando attorney as soon as possible.

DUI Defense – An arrest for driving under the influence does not always result in a conviction. A solid defense brought by an experienced DUI defense attorney may considerable improve your chances of not being convicted in court. Let’s discuss your case and discover what defenses it might have.

DUI for Marijuana – A common scenario involving driving under the influence of illegal drugs is a marijuana related DUI. Fines and/or jail time for marijuana DUI vary according to whether it is a first or subsequent conviction, and if the DUI caused death, serious injury or property damage. You need an experienced attorney who will know the best defense for the case.

DUI for Prescription Drugs – Use of any controlled substance, including prescription drugs that impair your ability to drive safely, is grounds for a DUI arrest. Most people are not aware that driving while taking certain prescribed medications can result in arrest and conviction for DUI. Do not take your innocence for granted, get help from attorneys who are experienced in Florida DUI drug laws.

Multiple DUI – If you have been arrested on more than one DUI charge, you need a competent legal team that understands what defense strategies are necessary to keep you out of jail and get you back on course in life.

Felony DUI – Driving under the influence will be charged as a felony offense when certain aggravating factors are present, including multiple DUI convictions or a DUI accident causing serious injury or death. Felony DUI convictions in Florida can impact your life forever. We need to talk to you now in order to guide you in the right legal direction.

DUI FAQ – Anyone in Orlando arrested for DUI needs accurate legal information. What can you do if you are arrested for drunk driving? Our attorneys answer our clients’ most pressing questions.

Speak with an experienced Florida attorney at our firm today.
Call 855-Kramer-Now (855-572-6376)

What Happens After Your Florida DUI Arrest

Orlando Driving Under the Influence ChargesPer Florida drinking and driving laws, if your blood alcohol concentration level (BAC) was tested to be at or above 0.08%, as measured by a breath or blood test, you can lose your license immediately. The officer can also take your license away immediately if you refuse a breath test.

After a DUI arrest, you have just 10 days to challenge the suspension of your driver’s license. This is done in an administrative hearing. Our Florida DUI defense attorneys will act quickly to represent you in the Administrative Hearing to preserve your rights and to nullify the suspension of your license. We can also help you attain a 42-day driving permit so you may continue to drive to work while your case is ongoing.

Florida DUI DWI Law – Penalties for Driving Under the Influence

Depending on your case, and whether this is a first offense or you have been arrested previously for driving under the influence, the penalties under Florida DUI statutes may include fines, probation, imprisonment, license revocation, DUI class attendance, and implementation of the Ignition Interlock Device.

In many cases we have been able to negotiate for the total dismissal of DUI charges or get charges pled down to much lesser offenses, such as traffic infractions or reckless driving charges. Our criminal defense attorneys are prepared to vigorously represent and defend you at trial for driving under the influence in Florida. We are committed to getting you a just and equitable outcome.

Florida law can be particularly harsh with so-called recidivist DUI drivers – people who break the law multiple times – as well as those who commit multiple simultaneous driving crimes, such as driving under the influence while driving with a suspended license; driving while intoxicated while on probation, drinking and driving while underage; resisting arrest; aggravated DUI; and hit and run.

Orlando DUI Lawyers Challenge Charges of Driving Under the Influence

A qualified attorney knows how to find the strengths and weaknesses of the case against you and challenge the prosecution’s evidence. Our lawyers can defend your case by challenging specific aspects of the case, including:

  • The administration and readings of the breath, blood or urine test;
  • The legitimacy of the traffic stop: Was there probable cause? Did the arresting officer have legal cause to stop, detain or arrest you? Were you pulled over and interrogated on false pretenses?
  • The accuracy of the field sobriety test;
  • The fairness and propriety of the arresting officer’s opinion and observations.

Focused on DUI and DWI Law Cases in Central Florida

The Orlando attorneys at TK Law are skilled defenders of DUI charges and are ready to defend you. Call us now at 855-Kramer-Now (855-572-6376) or fill our out Free Case Evaluation Form.

Your needs and concerns are important to us, and demand immediate attention. Your call or email will be treated with the highest confidentiality, and will be your first step towards defending your freedom.